martes, 3 de octubre de 2017


The general competences of an individual person

-       Knowledge: is understood as knowledge resulting from experience and from more formal learning.

-       Skills and know-how: you can get the knowledge of ability through repetitive and experience till this establish an automatic process.

-       Existential: the communicative activity it isn´t only knowledge, comprehesion and skills, it´s also individual factors, like motivation, principles, cognitives styles and personality types.

-       Ability to learn: Ability to learn may also be conceived as ‘knowing how, or being disposed, to discover “otherness”’ – whether the other is another language, another culture, other people or new areas of knowledge.

Communicative language competence

-       Linguistic competences include lexical, phonological, syntactical knowledge and skills and other dimensions of language as system, independently of the sociolinguistic value of its variations and the pragmatic functions of its realisations.

-       Socilinguistic competences: the capacity of a person to produce and understand the linguistic expresions in different context, with different participants  the relationship beetwen them and the rules of the communication.

-       Pragmatic competences: the use of linguistic resources in different situations with different conersational parteners and different contexts.

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